A Decision-making Analysis on Human Capital Investment of Enterprise Groups; On the Concentration of Human Capital and Promotion of the Industrial Competitiveness in the County Area 企业集团人力资本投资决策的理论与实践人力资本集聚与县域企业竞争力提升的研究
The paper investigates concentration ratio of shares effect in capital structure about west region in China. 以中国西部地区上市公司为研究对象,考察上市公司股权集中度对资本结构的影响。
The increase in value and the concentration of capital are achieved by energy transformation. 资本还原值,资本化价值依靠能量转化实现资本增值和集中;
The industrial and political supremacy of the bourgeoisie threatens it with certain destruction; on the one hand, from the concentration of capital; on the other, from the rise of a revolutionary proletariat. 这个阶级胆战心惊地从资产阶级的工业统治和政治统治那里等候着无可幸免的灭亡,这一方面是由于资本的积聚,另一方面是由于革命无产阶级的兴起。
Empirical Analysis of the Influences on the Industrial Concentration Ratio in Fujian Induced by the Entry of Transnational Capital 跨国资本进入对福建省产业集中度影响的实证分析
We should implement the concentration management of the capital, avoid financially risks actively, entrust the autonomous administrative power appropriately to the subsidiary company, explore various supervision ways and ensure the safety completeness of capital. 实施资金的集中管理,积极规避财务风险,赋予子公司适度资金自主管理权限,探索多种监督方式,确保资金的安全和完整。
The concentration of production and capital forms global monopoly market; 三是生产和资本的集中正在形成全球寡头垄断市场;
As the important part of market economy system, stock market takes on many duties, such as, concentration of capital, adjusting the construction, optimizing the resources. 证券市场作为市场经济体系的重要环节,肩负着筹集资金、调整结构、优化资源配置的责任。
Concentration of share is significantly positively related to capital structure. 资本结构与股权集中度显著正相关。
The restructuring will certainly result in the further concentration of world oil capital and greater monopoly in the world oil market, which will pose a major threat to the economies and oil markets of developing countries as well as to the operation of these nations 'oil companies. 世界石油工业经过新一轮的大调整,必将增强资本集中和市场垄断程度,对发展中国家的经济及其石油公司的经营和市场构成巨大威胁。
Horizontal merger is the effective method to realize the developing strategy which aims at the rapid concentration of capital and large-scale of production. 横向并购是实现行业内的资本迅速集中和规模经济化为主要目的的成长战略的有效手段。
By analyzing financial governance of companies in Britain, America, Japan and Germany, the author finds that the financial governance's effectiveness will be influenced by such conditions as investor's nature, concentration ratio of stock's and creditor's rights and capital market. 笔者通过分析英美和日德公司的融资治理,发现融资治理的有效性会受到投资者性质、股权和债权集中度及资本市场等条件的影响。
As a method of primary separation for proteins, expanded bed is used to replace three steps, i.e.solid-liquid separation, concentration and primary purification with advantages of high yield, low capital cost and short operation time, thus becoming a research focus in downstream processing of biotechnology. 作为蛋白质的初步分离方法,它能取代固液分离、浓缩和初步纯化等三步操作。具有提高收率、降低投资费用、缩短操作时间等优点,成为生物工程下游过程的研究热点。
The merger played an important role in the promoting concentration of capital and development of economy in industrial countries. 企业并购对于工业化国家的资本集中和经济发展起到了有力的推动作用。
The Profitability led to the concentration of commercial capital on the key commercial places, which therefore led to their rapid urbanization. 高利润促使商业资本向着贸易中心点集中,从而使一些贸易中心点迅速城市化。
The wave of bank M& A increases the concentration rate, promotes the improvement of international capital structure and expands the scale of international capital flows, meanwhile, competition among banks also occurs in a new brand platform. 银行并购浪潮使银行业的集中度上升,推动国际资本结构的调整和国际资本流动规模的扩张,使银行之间的竞争在一个全新的平台上展开。
It is said that the key point of reducing the human capital loss in western China is to upraise the level of the three variables. This is the only way we must pass to achieve concentration of human capital, even the sustainable development of economy. 6. 指出西部地区减少人力资本流失的关键是要在专业化人力资本、产业集聚和城市化这三个方面上提高水平,这才是西部地区实现人力资本集聚,进而促进经济可持续发展的必由之路。
Concentration analysis of foreign capital origin country shows that, origin country is more diversified, it does not exist the phenomenon of control by a few states. 外资来源国集中度的分析结果显示,来源国比较多元化,不存在被某几个国家控制的现象。
As an important means in the concentration of capital, MA made an indelible contribution to the development of capitalist modernization of industries. 在西方发达国家,并购作为资本集中的重要方式,曾为资本主义现代化工业的发展立下了不可磨灭的功勋。
The mean and concentration of Capital structure in main board is the highest, middle and small board in the middle, while the GEM with minimum capital structure, and the lowest concentration. There is no clear regularity in reality of the optimal capital structure. 主板市场以资产负债率衡量的资本结构平均水平高,集中程度高;中小板居中;而同期创业板资本结构平均水平最低,且集中程度最低,最优资本结构现实中没有明确的规律性。
Acquisition of listed companies has positive effects, such as accelerating the concentration of capital, optimizing capital and the industrial structure, enhancing their overall competitiveness and to optimize resource allocation, increasing economic efficiency. 上市公司收购对于加速资本集中、优化资本及产业结构、增强企业综合竞争能力以及优化资源配置、提高经济效益等方面有着积极的作用。
The concentration of capital control is one of the important means to carry out the management of modern companies and groups. 资金集中管理是现代企业集团进行管理控制的重要手段之一。
The empirical result confirms that reduction in banking concentration promotes the output elasticity of capital. 实证结果较好地验证了银行市场集中度降低对资本产出弹性有促进作用。
Chiang Kai-shek behest of succession of Sun Yat-sen, And creatively put forward the "land" as a lever to the solution of "Land concentration"," lack of capital", "sources of Industrial capital". In order to achieve the changes in Chinese industrialization. 蒋介石继承国父的遗志,并创造性提出以土地为杠杆,一举解决土地集中、资本匮乏、工业化资本来源三项难题,以实现中国农业大国工业化的转变。
This paper attempts to take Gansu Province as the representative, and study The effect of banking Concentration on the output elasticity of capital. 本文尝试以甘肃省为代表,研究银行市场集中度对资本产出弹性的影响。
The effect of reduction in banking concentration on the output elasticity of capital can be analyzed from three channels: the improvement of bank efficiency and the reduction of transaction costs; the intensification of screening and monitoring process of the bank; the improvement of financial market efficiency. 银行市场集中度降低对资本产出弹性产生影响的途径,可以从三个方面分析:提高银行效率和降低交易成本;强化银行的甄别和监督;提高金融市场效率。
This thesis discusses the mechanism of concentration of human capital in backward regions. 探讨了落后地区人力资本的集聚机制。
The M A ( Merger and Acquisition) has become an important corporate action. With the method of M A, enterprises can seek to the concentration of capital and the rapid expansion. The M A realizes with transferring rights based on property right system. 并购是企业依据产权制度,通过权利让渡,寻求实现资本集中、快速扩张的一种重要行为。
Finally, the paper suggests lowering the threshold of entering the banking industry and advancing the marketization of interest rates as policy recommendations about reducing banking concentration to promote the output elasticity of capital. 文章最后提出关于适当降低银行市场集中度以促进资本产出弹性提高的政策建议,主要是降低银行业准入门槛和推进利率市场化。
Analysis and appraisal of the Wu-Chang total concentration of human capital, trade volume and concentration of human capital, industrial output value of relevance, and discusses the economic development of the role of human capital lead to agglomeration. 分析论证了乌昌地区人力资本集聚总量、行业人力资本集聚量与产业产值的关联性,并论述了经济发展对人力资本集聚的引致作用。